Public limited companies enjoy all the rights of a corporate entity with limited liabilities and it is an ideal choice for the small and medium scale enterprises who wish to raise the equity capital from the general public.
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Legal requirements such as Number of Directors, Number of shareholders, minimum paid-up share capital have been fulfilled
Only a natural person can be a Director not any individual or entities like the LLPs or Financial institutions.
The Registered office address has to be registered with the Registrar of Company under whose jurisdiction the office falls.
The name of the Company has to be approved by the ROC. For a Public Limited Company, the name must end with the word "Limited".
A list of preferred names will be filed in the RUN form of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Once the name of the Company has been approved the crucial documents, MoA and AoA need to be executed.
Once the submission & verification is done the ROC issue the incorporation certificate along with the CIN of the Company
 AOA is abbreviated as the Article of Association. It defines the internal constitution of the company while MOA (Memorandum of Association) represents the mission, vision, and business object of the company before its incorporation.
DSC is abbreviated as the Digital Signature Certificate, which is issued by the certifying authority to sign the electronic documents. DIN is the Director Identification Number which is allocated along with the Certificate of Incorporation through SPICe+ form.
It generally takes 15 business days to register a public limited Company.
The registration is valid throughout the life of a company.
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